Saturday 23 May 2015

Task 15: Webquest

Ancient Egypt Webquest

Ready to become an expert in Ancient Egypt?

You are about to embark on an Egyptian adventure! 

Learn as much as you can about Ancient Egyptian daily life, Egyptian mummies, Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Egyptian Pyramids.

I’ll help you to do it through different activities and websites.
Good Luck, and get ready to go!

1. Daily life:

Let’s explore daily life in ancient Egypt , clothing, food, families, boys and girls, school, etc.

1.1. Meaning of Names in Ancient Egypt

Could you tell me the meaning of these names?

·         Neferet: __________________________________
·         User: _____________________________________
·         Nedjem: __________________________________
·         Ptahhotep: ________________________________
·         Tutankhamun: ______________________________
·         Hatshepsut: ________________________________

Use this link to help you.

Which of those names would you have and why? 

BONUS: If some of those names sound familiar to you, explain why and what you know about them.

1.2. What did the people of Ancient Egypt Dress Like?

Have a look at this webpage and explain:

If you were an ancient Egyptian what would you dress like?

Remember: The weather in Ancient Egypt was almost always very hot and dry! That's why most really young children went around completely naked! Don't forget to apply your make-up and jewelry to honor the gods. Yes, boys wore make-up and jewelry, too!

1.3. Food

Click here and answer:
  • What did the people of Ancient Egypt eat?
  • What would you eat if you were a rich ancient Egyptian? What if you were a poor one?
1.4. Games

What games did the Ancient Egyptians play? Discover it here
  • How did boys and girls play? 
  • If we compare it with nowadays, what differences can you see?
1.5. An Ancient Egyptian Social Pyramid

Oh, wait, there are some words missing. But I’m sure you already know about several people who lived in ancient Egypt . . . prove it!

______________________ is famous for the riches found in his tomb. Or ________________ , the ambitious queen who ruled Egypt, is known for her tragic death. These two people were _____________ - the most important and powerful people in Egyptian society.
Ancient Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was a _________________. The pharaoh communicated with the gods for the Egyptian people by performing special rituals and ceremonies in the __________________.

The population of ancient Egypt was divided into groups of people with different Jobs and responsibilities to society. These social classes were structured as a pyramid with six levels. Can you order them in the social pyramid?

-          Scribes
-          Pharaoh
-          Artisans
-          Slaves and servants
-          Officials, nobles and priests
-          Farmers
-          Soldiers
-          Merchants

Now go to this website and check.

2. Mummies: a journey to eternity

Do you want to live forever in eternal happiness? You know, eat the best food, have the perfect weather, have the perfect friends, and have lots of fun...
  • How could you achieve it according to the Ancient Egyptians?
  • What is a mummy?
  • Why did the Ancient Egyptians make mummies?
  • How  did the Ancient Egyptians make mummies?
  • BONUS: What modern evidence leads you to a conclusion about the success or failure of the Ancient Egyptians at making mummies?
(Use the links below to answer the questions)

3. Hieroglyphics

3.1. Answer
  • What are they? 
  • Why were they used?
Help you with this link
3.2. The Rosetta Stone
  • What is the Rosetta Stone?
  • When was it discovered?
  • What did it do?
  • What is the importance of the Rosetta Stone?
  • What was written on the Rosetta Stone?
Help you with this link

3.3. Now it’s time to write your name in hieroglyphics. 
Wait, you don’t know how to do it? Here’s  some help!:

And your name in hieroglyphics is..... _______________________

3.4. You have done very well at your studies as a scribe!

Now you must decode this secret message:

And the message is: ________________________

4. Pyramids

4.1. Read this story. Make sure to click "next" when you are finished reading each slide!
  • What do pyramids look like?
  • Where are they?
  • Why were they built?
  • Who built them?
4.2. Watch this video about Kufuh’s pyramid and answer the questions:
  • What did the builders create inside the pyramid
  • How high and long is the main gallery?
  • Has Kufuh’s body been found? And his treasure chamber?
  • What was the subterranean chamber for? Can we know it?
  • What about the queen chamber? We know it wasn’t for Kufuh’s queen.
    Could you explain why?

5. Let’s play!

You have done very well!! Now play this game and build your own pyramid!

Looking for a new chanllenge? Not scared of snakes and scorpions? 

Explore an ancient Egyptian tomb here!

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