Tuesday 19 May 2015

Task 1: Legal framework of ICT in ESO

We need to be aware of the importance of integrating ICT skills in our teaching work:

ICT Information and Communication Technologies

     Nowadays, we live in the midst of a technological revolution: we handle information and technology devices that we couldn’t imagine in the past. The way we live and work has totally changed and a series of new capacities and abilities have come out. Abilities needed to grow and integrate ourselves into the adult life, in a super-connected society and in a constant and increasing change. Everyday new electronic devices appear allowing us to create, store, process and transmit information in real time. We are used to control several devices at home or at work, creating a new situation really different to earlier times.

     For these reasons, we should not forget the importance of Information and Communication Technologies in Secondary Education. It is essential to educate our teenagers in the use of those tools facilitating their interaction with their environment and teaching them the etic and legal limits that this use imply. Information and Communication Technologies must be worked in every subject, allowing students to search, select and process information, as well as to elaborate and present their academic essays, investigations or projects.

     Students in Secondary Education are digital natives and, as a consequence, they are familiarized with the presentation and transference of information. The use of virtual interactive applications allows having practice experiences that, due to facilities reasons, would not be possible in other circumstances. On the other hand, it permits the access to a great quantity of information, which also implies the need to learn how to classify it, developing students’ critic spirit.

     At the end of Secondary Education, students must have acquired the abilities needed to use ICT in a proper way, as well as to adapt to its changes, in order to either incorporate themselves in the professional life or continue their education.

This is the legal document I have used as reference:

 Real Decreto 1105/2014, de 26 de diciembre, por el que se establece el currículo básico de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y del Bachillerato

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